Mark your Calendar - Oakland Events

Oakland is full of life, savor what this city has to offer.  Below are just a few events in the coming weeks. Original piece of art by Oakland local, Pam Consear

O Zone at OMCA:  Incredible!  | Friday October 8th, 5:00 - 9:00 pm. Learn about the making of the film with behind-the-scenes stories from Pixar artists who helped make it!  For more information click here.

Oaktoberfest!  Saturday October 9th, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm. Come enjoy beer, music and food in the Dimond district of Oakland.  Red Oak Realty is a proud sponsor and will have a booth!  I will be there from 12:00-2:30 pm to answer any real estate questions you might have.  Come and say hello! For more information click here!

Sundays in the Redwoods, Sunday October 10th, 2 pm at the Woodminister Amphitheatre.  George Duke, Stabe Wilson and Ray McCoy will close out this annual 4 Sunday series. For more information click here!

15th Annual Dia de los Muertos Festival on Sunday October 24, 2010 from 10:00 am to 5:00 am. The festival will be held between 33rd Ave. and 37th Ave. on East 12th St., as well as in the Fruitvale Village.  For more information click here!

Celebrate Redwood Heights and the art work of Pam Consear! Wednesday October 25th from 6-8 pm at 3595 Monterey Blvd in Redwood Heights. (art gala, open house and refreshments.)

Boo at the Zoo! Saturday October 30th from 10 am - 3 pm. Come celebrate halloween with the children in your life at Oakland's zoo.  Click here for more information.

Bay Area Dine Out! Tuesday November 9th dine out for Meals on Wheels.  80 local restaurants are participating in this event. For more information click here!

Here are Some Tips to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

1. Buy a cross-cut type shredder and be sure to shred all personal and card info, especially approved credit applications. 2. Be careful of "Dumpster Diving." Make sure that you do not throw anything away that someone could use to become you.

3. Be careful at ATM's and using phone cards. "Shoulder Surfers" can get your "Pin Number" and get access to your accounts.

4. Cancel all credit cards that you do not use or have not used in 6 months. Thieves use these very easily - open credit is a prime target.

5. Put passwords on all your accounts and do not use your mother's maiden name. Make up a fictitious word.

6. Empty your wallet of all extra credit cards and social security numbers, etc. Do not carry any identifiers you do not need. Don't carry your birth certificate, social security card, or passport, unless necessary.



Coming Soon to Redwood Heights, Oakland

Take shelter in your new home

As you walk along the path to the front door of 3390 Guido you will enjoy the cool breeze and shelter of the pine tree above.  Once you cross the threshold of the front door the the large rooms,  easy floor-plan and cheery kitchen will capture your heart.  This house was rescued 8 years ago.  Once a victim of a fire and re-built with plain white cabinetry and ordinary vinyl flooring, Ellyn gave this house new life and made it a home.  In the last eight years this house has had updated bathrooms, updated kitchen, new furnace, new hot water heater, seismic strengthening,  new drainage, new landscaping, new interior and exterior paint and lots of love!  Open Sunday July 18th, 2010 from 2-4 - 2 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, offered at $615,000

The Murals of Rocky Rische-Baird

Have you driven or walked by the corners of 11th and Broadway and 41st and Piedmont in Oakland and remarked about the murals that depict the Key System Stations that operated streetcars and bus lines throughout the East Bay (and a commuter rail and ferry to San Francisco) from 1903 until 1948 and wondered who this talented artist is in our midst? His name is Rocky Rische-Baird and this native of Northern California who splits his time between the Bay Area and the village of Putney, Vermont. Rische-Baird self describes his art as representative of the unity between nature, self and the idea that the human mind retains past memories.  However it is interpreted, his art has an other-worldly quality that is mesmerizing and  gives us a peek into Oakland’s unique history.  Love them!

Broadway Mural
Broadway Mural
mural on 41st
mural on 41st

Redwood Heights, Worth a Second Look!

Students, parents, neighbors and artists pitch in to create this gorgeous mosaic at Redwood Heights Elementary School.

Wow, this week my son Miles is graduating from Redwood Heights Elementary School! Ten years ago, when my husband and I purchased our home in this neighborhood, I was so excited that my children would be attending my former school. I have been a Redwood Heights parent for the last nine years, kindergarten - 5th grade for both my daughter, Nia and son, Miles. I love my neighborhood, very down to earth, yet full of life.  Recently Redwood Heights home prices took a slight dip in price, making this a great time to consider a move to this neighborhood.

This charming neighborhood, with a neighborhood association established in 1944, is the perfect place to purchase a home. From storybook Tudors to mid-century ranch homes and prices currently ranging between $550,000 - $750,000, this neighborhood is full of value. Redwood Heights residences like myself appreciate this satisfying community with Redwood Heights Elementary School and Recreation Center at the heart. I really enjoy the social nature of the neighborhood -  it is common that folks wave to me as I am driving or walking during my daily chores.

Above you will see the newest addition to Redwood Heights Elementary, our retaining walls are now studded with a handcrafted mosaic mural the vision of neighbors and artists, Claudia Goodman - Hough and Pam Consear.

This summer enjoy the outdoors as the recreation center with “Movies in the Park” at dusk on select Fridays.  Grab a sweater and a lawn chair and head over to 3883 Aliso Ave.

June 25 - The Wizard of Oz

July 9 - The Princess Bride

July 24 - Bolt

Redwood Heights Oaktown Scavenger Hunt Winners 2010

Residents participate in an annual Oaktown Scavenger Hunt put on by parents of Redwood Heights Elementary, just one of many community events hosted by Redwood Heights Elementary School parents.


Visit Oakland’s Own Great Wall

Every first Friday of the month, with the next screening on June 4th, the Great Wall of Oakland presents a curated screening of video art and films from artists in Europe, Canada and the United States. A series of 100-foot by 100-foot moving images are projected onto the back wall of 2201 Broadway.  The Wall faces West Grand Avenue between Broadway and Valley Street, next door to Luka’s Taproom and Lounge in Oakland’s Uptown district.  Don’t miss this dramatic cutting edge motion art!  Click here for more information. GWall

A Home For A Lifetime

I love this photo, taken by Scott Hargis.  This captures, the stunning setting surrounding this amazing home.

Richard was raised in Nebraska and Madeline grew up in Massachusetts. As fate would have it Richard and Madeline met on a blind date in Egypt. Madeline worked for the State Department and Richard for the Caterpillar Tractor Co. They fell in love, moved to Beirut, Lebanon and started their family. The Minards, now a family of 5 were ready to move back to the US and raise Steve, Kathy and John. Out of all of the places on this continent, they chose a premium lot in El Cerrito, California. With no family in the area, they moved to 1764 Julian Court in 1962, planted roots and had a wonderful life.

Richard worked as an engineer for a non-profit and Madeline was in the PTA, was a Brownie troop leader and loved to golf at the nearby Mira Vista Country Club. The Minards 1/2 acre lot produced gorgeous blooms and supreme vegetables, that the family happily shared with all of the Julian Court neighbors. Madeline used the harvest from their garden to cook her favorites: Tabbouleh, Tomato Chicken Curry and almost anything from her beloved Julia Child cookbook. Steve, Kathy and John loved roaming the back yard, digging forts, finding lizards and tunneling through the tall soft grass right before it was cut.

The Minards could have lived anywhere in the world, but they chose this fine piece of land high on an El Cerrito hill.

It All Happens in Oakland!

Save the date!  On April 29 The Oakland Zoo will host a screening of the movie “Return to the Wild, a Modern Tale of Wolf and Man.”  The reception begins at 6:30 in the Marian Zimmer Auditorium at the Oakland Zoo with the screening beginning at 7pm.  The film is appropriate for children 12 and older and the cost is a sliding scale of $10-$20.  Get the details at Pack a lawn chair, dress warm and head on up to Redwood Heights Recreation Center this Friday, April 30 to see the Pixar movie “Up.”  Snacks are available from 6:30 to 8:30 for $4.00 with all proceeds going to the scholarship fund for summer day camp and after school Rockets.  The movie begins at dusk, approx. 8pm.  Call 510.482.7827 for a list of all the Friday night movies through July.

Oakland Museum of California is newly remodeled!  Saturday, May 1, celebrate the transformed museum with 31 hours of continuous free programs and events.  Festivities begin at 11am with a Native American Ohlone blessing, and of course the continued discovery of the story of California.  For more info visit

"The Promise" by Lorrie Fink

Stop by L’Amyx Tea Bar, 3437 Lakeshore Avenue, Oakland, on May 7 from 5-7 pm and enjoy a complimentary beverage and reception launching a solo exhibition of the recent paintings of Lorrie Fink, oils inspired by the organic forms found in nature and the cycles of life.  This Washington D.C. raised artist has been the Bay Area since 1974, with her first solo exhibit at EBMUD Gallery in 2008.

For images or further information about this exhibit, please contact: Lorrie Fink, (510) 326-1990; e-mail:, web site: